Plain Technology
An independent software practice in Spokane, WA
that focuses on crafting boring little tools
that save remarkable amounts of time.
Founded by Elliott Maguire
01 Experience 🔗
B.S. Computer Science, Eastern Washington University
Internal tools developer, SmartRecruiters
Competitive intelligence systems engineer, Apple
02 Skills 🔗
Integrations, data collection/processing, internal tools
Plain Technology
An independent software practice in Spokane, WA
that focuses on crafting boring little tools
that save remarkable amounts of time.
Founded by Elliott Maguire
B.S. Computer Science at Eastern Washington University
Internal tools developer at SmartRecruiters
Competitive intelligence systems engineer at Apple
Go, Python, Postgres, Git, Docker, Linux, Helix
Make Things Simple
To form an idea of what solutions are needed, we'll discuss any existing issues like slow processes, repetitive tasks, systems that don't play nice, etc.
Make Things Simple
03 Consultation
To form an idea of what solutions are needed,
we'll discuss any existing issues like slow processes,
repetitive tasks, systems that don't play nice, etc.
04 Contact
© 2023 Plain Technology